Exerpt of the essay written for Poetry Festival of Medellin 2020.
“It is my deepest wish to give everything a heart-beat and, if that is possible, hands and feet, ears and a mouth as well. I want to look at everything and acknowledge it as divine, and as originating in that same field of being. That primal field from which everything has slipped from dream, potential and flash of light into a form. That primal field is still present in us, it is a radio wave that you can tune into when your desire is both sufficiently fiery and non-existent, when the thoughts and voices in your head have been calmed down, when they have been blown away on the wind, when you have let go of your arrogance, when you can be as small as the smallest grain of sand and regal as well. You can touch and explore that field. It is an orgasmic field. It has a high vibration, full of potency.”